Saturday, May 08, 2010

Friday 7th May

Yet again I'm going to start this by saying that I'm tired, but this time it's entirely my own fault, as I stayed up most of the night listening to the election. I'd love to be able to tell you what I finally fell asleep listening to, but alas, I don't remember. By the time I nodded off it had all become one great blur... my neighbours must be about ready to slaughter me, but I turned the radio down to a tiny little noise, so hopefully it didn't disturb them too much.
Well, when I woke up of course, I was feeling this is another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into, but to be honest, I don't actually feel like that. I'm sort of hoping that the party bosses are actually out there taking notice of all of this, because it was sort of the result we wanted I think - except for what the hell happened to the Lib Dem vote?? Poof and it's all gone! Extraordinary. And it can't all be explained by tactical voting either, or I guess we'd have Gordo back in number 10 and ordering up a new range of cabinet ministers, rather than no doubt hovering by the phone and wondering if anyone's going to call.
Mind you one thing has occurred to me and that is a short spell in a coalition would serve to give the LibDems the necessary experience to be able to be a realistic proposal as a government - way back when, I remember lots of people saying oh you can't vote for them, they've got no experience. It's rubbish of course, it can't take much more experience to run a government, and I don't recall anyone hurling that one at the Hiss-Spits, when the only experienced members of government they have are the one's who got all that experience under Thatcher. It's also quite extraordinary how many people are just riveted by the whole business, everyone I've met today is wanting to chat about what's been happening.
On a personal level, I would definitely go for a total revamp of the electoral system, which would result in no single party being able to dominate politics again in the way that the hiss-spits and Labour have for the past what, thirty years? I have grave doubts that the hiss-spits will ever agree to this, but I also have extreme reservations about Gordo's offer this afternoon of 'emergency legislation.' I don't want emergency legislation, I want something that's been carefully thought out, and well planned thanks! Not something rammed into place within a couple of weeks, so that when a minority hiss-spit govt collapses, there's a new system in place that will guarantee that they never ever obtain power, or a sniff of power ever again. I want them to work together, properly, treating each other with respect. I don't want Ken Clark in front of his rhododendrons telling me that the financial chaos is Labours' fault when it patently was not. He may think that if he says this often enough, that I'm going to start believing him, but I can tell him that I'm not, and I'm getting mighty fed up with this endless repetition that's been going on. If there's a natural political home for Bankers, it's there behind the rhododendrons with good old Ken. What is it about that man that makes him look self-satisfied and pompous before he's opened his mouth and said a word?
And what on earth are they going to do about whatsisname? I can't remember his name but he has one of the most unpleasant natural faces I've ever seen, and they apparently are going to make him Chancellor of the Exchequer. If they've got an inch of sense they'll ditch him and make the offer of the Chancellorship to Vince Cable, who if ever there was a case of the right man for the job emerging, then surely it's this. If Gordo gets a crack at this, which I very much doubt, then that's what he should do. Darling hasn't exactly been a raving success has he?

But lord, I didn't mean to go on. I'm sure you've all got your own ideas of who should be where, and doing what. One thing they have to do and very very fast is sort out what happened at the polling stations, asap. We can't have that happening again, my God it was better organised in Afghanistan by all accounts. It makes you ashamed to be British to see that going on. And how fantastic to have a Green! I thought that was brilliant. Maybe we'll get a few more of them with a PR system. That would be worth having a blasted BNP, we can get Ken Clark to sit on them, in combo say with Prescott who'll be looking for something to occupy him in his retirement.
You see? Doolally with exhaustion. I'm off to bed!