Monday, October 30, 2006


Well here is and there goes Monday. Been a funny sort of weekend, working, but short shifts, so plenty of free time. And what have I done with it? Cleaned, washed things, made bits and pieces for xmas. Had a lot of stuff end on Ebay Sunday, so had to babysit them as they crossed the finishing line - can't say I sold overmuch, but I'm ever hopeful that sooner or later, Xmas shopping will start and loads of stuff will be zipping out of the door. What did sell, sold reasonably well, and wonderful news on those things that are on sale right now, they have early bids!
Been doing some thinking about photography recently. I really enjoy taking photo's but I don't take anywhere near enough of them. I'd like to start snapping stuff around town a lot more, but I'm kind of nervous about taking the camera out and about. I keep meaning to get a camera phone, which is so much more snapable, if you know what I mean. The other thing is it would be quite nice to take some photos and frame them up - get them on the old Ebay. Can't hurt, and who knows? Maybe I'll make it my new year project.
I had something on my mind then that I was going to write about, and I got sidetracked by Ripley going in to the bit on the spaceship where she finds all the other 'mixed clones'. Yep, I'm sort of half watching Alien Resurrection. Always liked the Alien films, got to respect a film where a character - hell, any character, let alone a woman, is allowed to grow and develop. You get a real sense of story, you know? Especially when so much of what we watch is such trash. I was reading something the other day - nope can't remember what, and it was something about today's "celebrity culture." Personally I don't think it has anything to do with celebrities, it's about the known. It's all about presenting yourself with recognisable personality traits that people absorb into their own personal sense of what's acceptable inside the house. They don't even have to be likeable traits, everyone loves a good villain. They simply have to be the known. Or maybe even not necessarily known, simply not alien/outsider/not known. People have or appear to have difficulty in tolerating the unknown these days. I'm not even sure that this was a result of 9/11, I think it may have been inherent to us, to our culture, as a reaction to the 60s. I don't know, I can't really get my head around what I do mean at the moment, I'll have to cogitate on it for a bit longer and spew up my thoughts in due course!!!