A very lazy Saturday....
Yes, I've had a very lazy Saturday. I woke up late, got up late - ok, I've done a bit of washing, but that's about it. Made a new keychain. I was supposed to be working today, but had a late shift swap so I had nothing planned - it's been cool. To do nothing except the stuff you have to do - I haven't even cooked really, there was left over pasta salad for lunch, and supper was a baked potato. Mind you I'll have to pop to the supermarket tomorrow, this rather unexpected night shift requires sustanance to go with it. You can't go to work thinking oh I'll pick something up for lunch. No way. Night shifts require nibbles. I have plums at home which will be nice, especially as they're just ripening, and I have a bag of walnuts, but to be honest, walnuts are a cooking nut rather than an eating nut. They have that thing that dries out the mouth. Eating nuts to me are peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts - and seeds like pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, that sort of thing. And I do like to have a bit of chocolate for a nightshift.
The apple's coming along. Let me post one of todays pics:
As you can see, today's apple is rather a dull thing, and it's a hell of a lot more yellow than it was. It's going to be interesting to see how it ends up!