Wednesday 1st November!
Day off today! And I had made my mind up to go do something nice, something just soul-pleasing. So I went for a walk to the Arno's Vale Cemetary - it normally doesn't have an apostrophe, but since historically speaking it was a vale that belonged to a Norman called Arnaud (or at least so I suppose, can't say I've actually done any research on it.)
This old place was on the Beeb's Restoration programme, but it didn't win. Still they got some money from somewhere 'cos they've been doing a fair bit of work over the past couple of years. Mind you they have to 'cos otherwise people would a) have been falling into people's graves, and b) odds are, the wall would have come down and the Bath Road would have been blocked. Still, so far they've managed to preserve a wee bit of the deserted graveyard bit, which frankly is so extreme that I got spooked when I wandered off the main drag, and along one of the paths. Check this out!
I took this just after I got spooked - and it is meant to be in black and white. It was a lovely clear day, but nevertheless it is a bit on the dark side. Have a look at these.

This one is a bit clearer. And this is right along the path I got spooked on - in the middle of the afternoon! Still it's the time of year for it I guess.. actually town seemed to be reasonably quiet when I was coming home last night.
Still for all this talk of getting spooked, it is a lovely place to go for a walk -

full of beautiful trees and leaves to crunch underfoot. And the air is amazingly clear for a place in the middle of a city, and bang smack next to a busy road.
And as well as this I've made two keycharms. So I'm feeling quite chuffed - all this and home made chicken soup as well! It's been a nice day, I feel as if I've had quite a special day!