A Quiet Week
Yes it's been a quiet week. Mostly because I've been doing night shifts, and sleeping during the day - when I'm not being woken by new tenants. New people moving in upstairs, and managed to set off the fire alarm at 11 am - well, that's not so bad but when you've just got to sleep after a night shift, it's pretty much the living end. Anyhow they're new, so you can't exactly blow your stack at them can you?
The apple's coming on well - check this out !
Yeah a great big dirty brown spot on the perfection of the apple! The inevitableness of decay surrounds us in our everyday lives...
Apart from this I've been spending a good bit of time uploading stuff on to Ebay. Check it out - Sunspark 58, tons of stuff. All ready for Xmas. I wouldn't say I've been selling much, cos xmas hasn't really leapt out of the stable door as yet, but you can sense those eager buyers frothing around the stable steps so to speak. Check out some of these goodies... Rather lovely aren't they? Well I thinks so.
Both available on Ebay!!! (Well at the time of posting anyhow!)
So what else is new? My eldest brother is over visiting! Shan't see him til next week, frankly we both seem to be so busy it's hard to fit myself in to his schedule! Still maybe I'll get a photo or two and post them - yes, I know it'll make a change from the rotten apple...