Food II !
Well, following that last bit, I really felt quite down. This weekend has improved things though, been really most pleasant. Jo and I did a craft fair on Sunday, and not only did I get some very nice comments on the Keycharms etc, I sold quite a few, which is really firm evidence people like them! And what's more, had a good end day on Ebay, firmer evidence indeed! It's quite thrilling when people buy something you've made, a real affirmation that you have - I don't know what to call it, I don't want to label it somehow. I find it hard to explain.
So, given that I've called this food 2, why am I going on about selling stuff? Maybe because I don't want to talk about food, and that in and of itself is interesting. I mean add that into what I put on my profile - do I avoid thinking/considering food because it's too hard/painful? And at my age, could how I look be really that important? Is there any point in life when how one looks ceases to be of importance? My mother, even my mother, frets about her hair before she goes out. She seems to have ceased worrying about her lipstick, which in a sense is alarming, because as a younger more vigorous woman she wouldn't have been caught dead without her lipstick on. But she wants to know her hair is alright. Perhaps 'vanity' (for lack of a more accurate word) is two-fold, there's a vanity that covers attractiveness, and a sense of image that pertains to presentability. That seems to make a lot of sense to me. I have a healthy sense of this - I want to know I haven't got egg on my face, that I'm not leaving the house with odd socks on, or a stain on my clothes. But I have no sense of self image in the sense that I know I'm a middle aged woman, I'm not looking for a partner, and I want to go about my business with little or no interference. I don't need lipstick and curled eyelashes for this. However, I'm shortly going on a night out, to meet up with old friends for a meal. And for this, I'm already thinking now what am I going to wear? How am I going to do my hair?
Hair is one of my bigger bugbears - I recently read a most sensible passage in a book, where the narrator said she kept her hair long because she didn't have to fuss with it. Short hair actually does require more looking after, more primping etc. My hair is really quite long now, and I can put it up with a few easy strokes of a brush and a few clips. It's fuss free.
But on a night out, you don't need fuss free hair, you need something that looks good. And given that I have this plethora of the stuff, it sort of expands the range of things that I can do with it - up or down?! Backcombed or sleek? Do I have enough hair spray to cope??? And dear God, do I have a skirt that I'm going to feel comfortable in? I have this great new top I bought a while back, and I reckon I'll wear that, but skirt, or jeans?
It's all decisions in the end. I'll let you know...!!!!