The ZOO!
Yes, oh yes I have a weekend off!!! Since it's been like about two weeks since I've done anything but work night shifts, the idea that yes, time is coming when I can get myself together, go out.. be with people... woo hoo!!!!
So what have I done with myself? Well two large packages of new beads arrived today - very nice too. More to come which is even nicer..!
I went out because I had things I needed to buy - and more than just food and beads! Got myself some lovely Anya potatoes at ye old Sadbury's, dear God am I really posting about my food shopping list - well the potatoes were nice, and the spinach and rocket I got to go with it were equally delicous. But enough of all that, I went down to our local shopping centre. I spent way too much money - but this is not a total disaster, as I have been working hard to get a bit extra together for exactly this reason. Soon I am off to the Lake District, for a long weekend with friends - so presents were needed. And more than just presents, new clothes! yes, got mayself new shoes, very nice little suede boots, two new plain black v neck sweaters - I go through plain little black tops like others go through whatever it is they go through! - and a very nice, rather dressy little black top - very flash this, for nights out. Don't do many of them, but quite enjoy the odd opportunity to dress up. Got more tissue paper and chain for the keychains. And then I started the fun bit, presents.
My friends have a daughter of approaching six months by now I should think. Just the darlingest little girl, and an unparalelled opportunity for a single childless woman like myself to get loose in a toy shop. As it turned out, there was absolutely nothing that floated my boat. Not a multicoloured catapillar, or fluffy lamb that reached out and said hey there loose cashcard, buy me, me, me! But, at ye old Sadbury's, I wander into the kids section, and joy oh joy their having a sale on the stuffed animal section. So I have bought this little girl a zoo. I swear, she now or soon will, have an entire zoo.
I bought -
A rhino.
A zebra.
A giraffe.
A lion.
A tiger.
An elephant.
And a monkey.
All exactly the right size for a six month or so old hand to be able to get hold of, and I would think start to wave around pretty soon. Just gorgeous. I can't wait to see her face, as animal after animal comes out of my bag. It's an entire, wonderful, zoo.