Just a little update....
Just thought I'd do a quick post before I go away - something horrid happened tonight as well. I was sitting at the computer doing some loading of stuff for sale on Ebay, and there was this bang outside. At first I didn't pay that much attention, then I glanced out of the window, and the cars were stopped, and this woman was running down the road. So I looked properly, and it seems a car had hit a motorbike, and the poor bloke was lying in the road, all tangled up with his machine.
People were out there helping, so I did what I thought was the best, and called the ambulance - loads of people were on their mobiles, so I guess they were doing exactly the same.
The good news is that the victim eventually sat up, and the police/ambulance turned up very quickly considering - he was taken off in the ambulance, but he was walking wounded, so I think he's had a pretty lucky escape. I didn't see what actually happened, so I couldn't tell whose fault it was, but the car involved was going in the opposite direction. People do drive like maniacs on this road from time to time. I was at the pedestrian crossing a month or so back, with another girl, and had pressed the button - we were both of us standing politely waiting for it to change. Very little traffic around, and that may have been the cause, 'cos the light changed, and I happened to glance to the left before I set off. The car immediately approaching the crossing had stopped, but there was a huge lorry behind it, clearly going way too fast, cos instead of stopping, he swerved around the car that had stopped, into the oncoming traffic lane, overtook and carried on! Both myself and the other girl were absolutly - well wouldn't you be pretty shocked if a ten ton lorry doesn't stop, but zooms straight at you? If we'd taken a step into the road, we'd have been killed, and since the light had been long green, we would have been entitled to have stepped out. But cos I guess we're, well I guess, used to this bloody road, you don't step out, you have a bloody good look. Because some of the drivers out there are maniacs, and seem to think they're filming the re-make of what was it, road race 2000? The one with David Carradine where they mowed down people left right and centre. Lunacy.