slightly less boring everyday life!!!!
Well I do feel a damn sight less lethargic, that's for sure. Not that I could put my finger on anything that's changed - but wierdly, Lisa at work said she felt very similar (it seemed to me) today. So maybe there's some wierd sub-virus going round. I mean dullness can hardly be contagious can it - or can it... (dee-dee dee-dee... ) yeah very twilight zone!
Yep I can see it now. A dull little corner of Bristol is detatched from the mainstream universe, and tucked into an alternate.. and the bus comes and goes without a blink and we move from one to the other without realising. I dare say there's a quantum physisist out there nodding to him/herself and saying it happens all the time - just the native inhabitants don't turn up with Spocks to-die-for goatee, and those dinkly little knives tucked into the top of Uhuru's boots. Which given our neck of the woods, frankly is a good thing.
Actually I think about alternate universes, and so forth quite a bit. I remember being knocked sideways by Descarte's wax analogy as a kid (no go read it for yourselves, it'll blow your mind especially when you think about how old it is) and the old apple bit, ie is our universe is a particle of dust sitting on top of an apple that's about to be popped inside someone else's mouth on another world which in all probability is a particle of dust floating about inside someone elses' universe.
Probability is wierd isn't it? I have a good story about this. Years ago, I used to work for the Birmingham Rep Theatre in yeah, you guessed it, Birmingham. I went to see the first night of a production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and frankly I can remember being pretty blown away by the set (they'd turned the old Hamlet set around and used the back of it, which is pretty neat), and I'm fairly sure Daniel Gerrol was in it, but I can't remember much else about the actuality of it. But the opening scene when they're sitting there tossing the coin and arguing about whether it comes down heads or tails.. that I remember very clearly. Because as they said the lines about it had to come down one of the other, and tossed the 'coin', up it went, down it came, and promptly got stuck in a stage floorboard. You couldn't have put money on that. That's probability for you. So what were the odds on Lisa feeling as dull and lethargic at work today as I felt yesterday, and maybe who knows, who will feel tomorrow? Maybe it really is contagious. Maybe we hand it on from one to the other on a daily basis. On the other hand, maybe it's the luck of the draw and sheer coincidence. Who, indeed, knows?