Tuesday the what.. oh yes the 12th January
I'm off to bed in five minutes, so just time for a quick blog before bedtime. You'll have to excuse any spelling mistakes!
It's been a busy day, spent mostly in the library. Bitingly cold up here too, when I was walking home from the bus stop I got caught by this blast outside the house, took me about two hours to warm up from it. Most of the snow's gone for now, but I hear there's more due for tomorrow, and Jo was telling me earlier it was already falling in Wiltshire. Brr!
I found all but one book in the library for next week - I think this must be something of a record. I can't honestly say I remember this ever happening before! Anyhow I'm spending tomorrow wrapped up at home, and faithfully doing my reading. I certainly have enough of it. Ambrose of Milan I think, and I have to tackle a book called Syncretism/Anti-Syncretism. No, right now I have no idea what syncretism is, but if you're really, really lucky I might be able to tell you by tomorrow.