Tuesday 19th January.
Well having finished one load of reading another dawns, but somehow I'm not getting down to it today. I really must get started. As it is, I've done nothing but play those stupid games on FB, which makes me think maybe it's time to de-install them. But then what would I do when I'm bored and need distraction? Part of my brain is saying - that's when you change the book you're reading to another book you need to read. Oh well.
I have also got to go shopping and the sky is looking ominous, so probably something I'd best get done quickly. A breath of fresh air, a quick blast round the supermarket, back, and open the books. Today's task is Gender, a little light library searching - ha, fine task that is. I ordered 4 or so books the other day, and by yesterday I had an email to say they were ready to be collected. So after class I go to pick them up, to discover that they had disappeared from the 'hold' shelf. Perhaps they've been re-shelved, the girl says, why don't you go and have a look? Now this is very irritating, it takes a good deal of time to go and do this, but nevertheless I haul myself up to the 10th floor (thank God for lifts) search and find nothing. Down to 6, search, find one book. Aha, this makes me think, someone is in the process of reshelving my damn reserved books. As they've done that someone has come along - the odds being that this someone is one of my fellow course members - and has sprung on the book with great glee, thinking they've found something at last, and they'll just nip off with it. By the time I got downstairs to the desk one of my poor fellow students had arrived at the check out desk with one of my hold books and had had the sad news broken to him that alas no he can't have the book, it's on reserve for someone else. So out of my four books, I've got two of them, but am still missing two, which I can only hope turn up today when the library staff start to search for them. The whole thing has been a total pain in the neck - when your 'hold' email arrives, you expect to drift casually in, present your matric card and drift casually out, clutching your books. You don't expect to spend 45 minutes searching for the bloody things, missing Lord knows how many buses home in the meantime, becoming to tired and irritated to go to the supermarket, to wake up with no bread for toast the next day... Grr. Grr indeed. No wonder I'm not inclined to open a bloody book this morning.