Ok, so if you read the post below you'll know that I had an interview today. I'm blogging this because I've got so much to say about it - and not very much of it good. Oh nothing way bad either, I've been offered work. I just refuse to call it a job!
Firstly, John & I went to the uni today, and it was lovely weather and not too many people around so I took some pics - here we go. This is the library on the left, as much as I could get into a single phone pic!

Firstly, John & I went to the uni today, and it was lovely weather and not too many people around so I took some pics - here we go. This is the library on the left, as much as I could get into a single phone pic!

This is behind me as I took the other photo, this is the reading room. It's a round building with the most popular books in it for the undergraduate courses - at least that's the theory as I understood it first time round!

This is the entrance to the Medieval History Dept!
And that's your lot photo wise. Anyhow after we'd been here (and I did pick up some useful email addresses, some hints and tips, and the email address of the woman I have to contact about getting a reading ticket for the summer!) I set off for this interview. I got a taxi over there, and it's a bloody good job that I did, because what I thought would be a simple look around to find the building nearly turned into some sort of strange intellligence test - find us and you get the job, fail and you're toast. I found Partick Thistle Football ground, and according to what I was told yesterday, it was supposed to be opposite, but all I could see where houses. Big flash new office a bit further down, so I thought aha! But no, that was number 99. I was looking for 55. At least I was on the right side of the road. But it didn't matter where I went or even who I asked no one knew where it was - and this girl I'd spoken to hadn't thought to give me anything useful like the name of the company running this place. Finally I went to the big Housing Association office at the bottom of the road and asked, and they did know where it was - if only I'd've thought to ask there first! Turned out, of course, that I walked straight past it at least twice.
So in I go, it's a double storey business unit, very basic. Ah, says the girl fulfilling the tasks of receptionist, up the stairs, turn right. Up I go, and yes I did find the right place. It remains a matter of question as to whether I'd've been better off turning round and going home.
Turns out they sell kitchens and windows. What I'd have to do is to phone people up, and masquerade as some sort of researcher for a non-existent magazine - actually I say that, but I bet they've got some kind of leaflet that is the 'magazine' , and ask them questions about if they were to get a free kitchen what sort of kitchen would that be? Once I've got them talking, I then have to get them agree to be called back by another group of callers, who book appointments for representatives to go round. I can just about square this with my conscience, because it's just another phone call, and I can square it all the better because I got home to find another three bills on the doorstep. Believe it or not, I have done this sort of thing before, under slightly more respectable circumstances, but to my way of thinking it's easier to get a job if you're actually working. You don't necessarily have to tell people what it is you're working at. Well ok you do, but I can give this a go and see how I get on. I'm going to go tomorrow, yep they work weekends of course, and see how I get on. If I find it beyond the pale, I shall simply say so and leave. They pay a basic salary, it's 3 hours a day, for 4 days a week. It's on a direct bus route. It is an appalling salary but hey you never know, I might be good at this sort of thing. Not. Beggars can't be choosers people. Let's gird the loins, and actually say it, life's been pretty good for the past few years, and maybe I should have done a bit more appreciating what I had. Now I get a chance to broaden my outlook and do what it takes to stock the freezer!

This is the entrance to the Medieval History Dept!
And that's your lot photo wise. Anyhow after we'd been here (and I did pick up some useful email addresses, some hints and tips, and the email address of the woman I have to contact about getting a reading ticket for the summer!) I set off for this interview. I got a taxi over there, and it's a bloody good job that I did, because what I thought would be a simple look around to find the building nearly turned into some sort of strange intellligence test - find us and you get the job, fail and you're toast. I found Partick Thistle Football ground, and according to what I was told yesterday, it was supposed to be opposite, but all I could see where houses. Big flash new office a bit further down, so I thought aha! But no, that was number 99. I was looking for 55. At least I was on the right side of the road. But it didn't matter where I went or even who I asked no one knew where it was - and this girl I'd spoken to hadn't thought to give me anything useful like the name of the company running this place. Finally I went to the big Housing Association office at the bottom of the road and asked, and they did know where it was - if only I'd've thought to ask there first! Turned out, of course, that I walked straight past it at least twice.
So in I go, it's a double storey business unit, very basic. Ah, says the girl fulfilling the tasks of receptionist, up the stairs, turn right. Up I go, and yes I did find the right place. It remains a matter of question as to whether I'd've been better off turning round and going home.
Turns out they sell kitchens and windows. What I'd have to do is to phone people up, and masquerade as some sort of researcher for a non-existent magazine - actually I say that, but I bet they've got some kind of leaflet that is the 'magazine' , and ask them questions about if they were to get a free kitchen what sort of kitchen would that be? Once I've got them talking, I then have to get them agree to be called back by another group of callers, who book appointments for representatives to go round. I can just about square this with my conscience, because it's just another phone call, and I can square it all the better because I got home to find another three bills on the doorstep. Believe it or not, I have done this sort of thing before, under slightly more respectable circumstances, but to my way of thinking it's easier to get a job if you're actually working. You don't necessarily have to tell people what it is you're working at. Well ok you do, but I can give this a go and see how I get on. I'm going to go tomorrow, yep they work weekends of course, and see how I get on. If I find it beyond the pale, I shall simply say so and leave. They pay a basic salary, it's 3 hours a day, for 4 days a week. It's on a direct bus route. It is an appalling salary but hey you never know, I might be good at this sort of thing. Not. Beggars can't be choosers people. Let's gird the loins, and actually say it, life's been pretty good for the past few years, and maybe I should have done a bit more appreciating what I had. Now I get a chance to broaden my outlook and do what it takes to stock the freezer!