Bored now...
Yep. Says it all really, doesn't it?
So what have I been doing with myself since I found myself jobless in Glasgow? Well a great deal of time is taken up searching the various jobsites, and applying for various jobs - for the most part it's click and apply, but you still have to write the small email application bit. However I will admit it's very disheartening to be clicking and sending these things off, and you just know for the most part, you're never going to hear anything further of them.
I've been doing a bit of cooking - since I now have a deep freeze, it's only good sense to make the best possible use of it. On Tuesday I made goulash, and I now have four portions of that tucked away, and I've also made and frozen spag bol sauce - at some point over the next few days I may well make a plain tomato sauce, always useful.
I've cleaned until I'm sick of the smell of the cleaning fluids!
I've read more over the past couple of weeks than is really good for my eyes. I don't want to get plunged into the "eye test/new lenses" regime until I really need to. Although frustratingly, I've not been able to get a reading ticket for the university library on the grounds that I don't want to spend the money until it's likely I can recoup it!
I've been staying home mostly, on the grounds that here is where my email is, and I'd rather be here in the vain hope someone responds to one of my applications than not.
But boredom is pretty well where it's at right now. Very, very frustrating. It's a good job that I have good friends and family who prevent this from sinking into depression!!!!