Thursday 14th May
Ah well, I thought this day would never come - but it's nearly over! Today I left my job, voluntarily, in the middle of this huge recession - but it's all planned. Shortly I will fly - yep, fly to Glasgow, to look for somewhere to live, then come back, organise it all, move, and start the hunt for work. I feel a touch anxious about it all, but I'm pleased that I've reached the point where I get started on all of this. But my God, such an awesome day! I can't describe how I felt when I was going round the office saying goodbye to people - I'd left it a bit late and there were a few that had gone already, which was a shame and I'm sorry I missed you! But all day I've been feeling really almost overwhelmed by the whole leaving thing. I don't think I could put it into words verbally to communicate to people, I mean this is the place I've been going to and from at all hours of the day and night for more than the last five years. These people have been part of my family, so to speak, my sisters. And like all families we spat from time to time, but what's new? Who is ever entirely happy in the circumstances of their work? I count myself luckier than most that I've worked with people I've loved, and the work that I did was both interesting and made a difference to people's lives. You can't say better than that.
Anyhow, on to new things. Well sort of, I've got a leaving do to get through first...! Best take a packet of tissues with me I think!!!!