20th May 09 - The big move part I!
Well I've left work and I've been spending the past few days de-junking. Right now I'm in the midst of absolute chaos, and somewhat worried about the big bookshelf unit which now has stuff on the top two shelves, yet the one's below are now denuded of the video's they used to hold. And dear God, the dust. I used to think this place was actually quite clean..! It's all been hiding behind the video's and books...
Jo is going to take me to a bootsale before the move proper. This now means I'm sort of sorting as I go, one pile for stuff that I'm keeping, various boxes for stuff going to the boot, and large black sacks of stuff that's going to the dump. Abbs is coming at the weekend to run me there, and then we're rewarding ourselves with a trip to the cinema. We thought we might take in Star Trek. Well ok, I've persuaded Abbs she'd like to see Star Trek. But I hear it's a very good film, so this may not be the disaster it could be - she's not a big ST fan. As for myself this unexpected leisure (ok, de-junking!) has allowed me to sit down with a cup of tea and watch the re-runs of the original series on Sci Fi, at about 5 every day. I don't care how uncool it is, you've just got to love old Kirky babes and the gang doing their thing. At least I do.
Today is the first sunny day since before the weekend - we've had a few spots of rain, but otherwise it looks like a very nice day out there. Pity I'm stuck in here with all this junk. Tomorrow I'm going to tackle the living room table, and the little cupboards under the bay window. These things are a wonderful set of 'cubes' Mum & Dad bought back in the sixties, and I 'inherited' them a good while back now. Love 'em to death I'm afraid, despite all the slight oddities about them - they're veneered in some sort of white plastic, and they're pretty heavy when you lift them, but they're a lot of fun. Because they're just small cubes about 2 feet square you can arrange them in any fashion you like, so they're very versatile. But as I say, the veneer is lifting off a bit at the corner, so you have to be careful with them. I've got a basic one, one with a shelf, and two with doors. It's the ones with the doors that I fear. God knows what I've stuffed in there over the years.. I know one is full of paperwork. Uh-oh..!