Friday 29th May
Well I'm home - much better journey coming back, a lot smoother! But alas I've picked up a bad cold, which I presume I got on the flight up there, & I've been coughing and sneezing and wheezing since yesterday afternoon. This used to happen to me when I lived there before - you've no immunity to the Scottish bugs, and by the time you've acclimatised to them and you go back down south, you've lost whatever immunity to those that you used to have!
Anyhow I will tell you about the flat that I found, but when I've got it all securely tightened up and the deal done so to speak. I don't like catching chickens before they're well and truly hatched! But it's a nice little place in a lovely spot, and I'm very hopeful that it all will go according to plan. Fingers crossed!
I had a great time on Weds, when I met up with old tutors at uni, and was frankly slightly overwhelmed by how nice everyone was to me! Then over to J & P's for dinner, which was great, and they've got a totally fabulous flat. Really gorgeous.
Anyhow yes I know this is all very dull, because it's got no details, etc etc, but you'll just have to wait until it's all done and dusted. I have got photo's, but I'm too sniffy & sneezy to get them downloaded and primped up to publish yet - and frankly I've got my doubts about how it'll all turn out - remember it rained three days out of four! I'm off now, back to veg out in front of the tv or get myself an early night. I'm exhausted I've got to say!