Tuesday 10th? 11th April
Just back from the old homestead, so have no idea what the date is!!!!
We had a very nice weekend - Jo did very well at the bootsale! Unfortunately, I didn't do so well, but then I couldn't haul the stuff over there - if you have a bad back, you can pretty well kiss active bootsaling goodbye for the duration! Oh dear, exclamation mark disease is making a violent reappearance....
However, I did get a new copy of Wuthering Heights - mine has disappeared somewhere, so now I have a new copy and I've already read the first couple of chapters, so in due course I shall post my thoughts and opinions on it. Bootsales are really the best for replacing those classic books that get lost for the minimum of expenditure.
One very nasty thing happened though - Jo, Ken & I were happily sat down and vegetating in front of the box last night, when we heard that Mum had fallen. You can hear it through the walls - everyone rushed round, and happily, no serious injuries had occurred. And this is were it gets really strange - Jo was sure she'd have a really nasty bruise this morning, but lo and behold, not a trace of one. She's not even complaining of feeling sore! But lord, the first few minutes of when these things happen. You cannot sit over someone 24 hours a day, and not let them take a step for themselves, you have to hope that they can move around a bit for themselves. Well at least, you try to prolong that period of them being able to do so for the longest possible time, but inside you know that it's coming to an end, and that that person will have to be watched and helped 24/7. But you hate the thought of what it will mean - it's another step along the road to loss, and it's the loss of one's private family life, because there will be strangers involved. In fact there are so many implications, it's mind-boggling. There are thoughts and feelings that I haven't even had yet, but I know will be involved in this whole thing. There's other family members and how they think and feel about it. And it's your mother you know? Your mother. Perhaps the most intimate familial relationship outside of a spouse that there is. Such a difficult situation. Still, at least this time, alls well that ends well - not even a bruise. Yet if you'd been there, you'd have been convinced there must have been broken bones, fractures, concussion at the least to judge by the shrieking she sent up! Jo says that she shrieks because she's afraid, she knows she can break and the result of that is the hospital, so she's frightened - ergo she shrieks. And I know exactly how she feels. Those first few seconds back way back when when I was lying on the pavement in town, having gone head over heels - utter terror. What's broken? Can I get up? Who will help? And I'm a relatively fit, reasonably young woman in comparison to my mother. How much greater fear is to come when I'm (God willing) in my late eighties, and I know damn well I can't get up by myself. You can bet I'll be shrieking too.