12th April 07 - Big News!
Well hello there!
I have great news for those of you who've seen my crafty makings and thought, I'd like to buy that! But maybe you don't have an Ebay identity and don't fancy going through the hassle of getting one, or you don't know where to find Etsy - whatever!
Now you'll have a chance to buy some of my creations. I've opened a second blog -
and you can buy anything you fancy on there! Basically if you see something you like, then send me a quick email. I'll pop the item on one side for you, go through the payment methods with you, and remove it from the blog. That item is now yours! As soon as I've received your payment, I'll shoot it off in the post to you!
Why don't you scoot on over there and have a look? I've only got a few items on there right now, but I'll be adding and subtracting as we go along. It's a cool idea for those of you who fancy hand crafted items, and I'll be happy to help you.