Thursday 26th April
Well the great news is I have a date to which I can return to work! It's just such a relief, its been so long since that damn fall and whoever would have believed that a relatively simple fall could cause so much trouble?
And.. I had my first physio session a couple of days ago. My, but it's like being given an overly-thorough going over by someone you know doesn't intend to harm, but - well, heck it's physio therapy isn't it? You expect it to hurt. I was so, so tired afterwards as well! And all because I was trying to force my knee to lie flat against a mattrass - you'd think I'd tried to run the marathon. However, hopefully the end will result in my being able to sprint for the occasional dash out of the way of oncoming traffic - right now, I still feel like every time I cross a road, I'm taking my life in my hands. I really did have to dash the other day - but the rather amazing thing was that for the first time in about three months I was actually able to. I definitely trotted. And I made it to the other side with no real side effects - twinges for sure, but since I'd been out walking, I was nicely warmed up for a quick dash. Still, for all that, I did rather feel that if I have to do it again, I'd rather not be doing it with a ten ton lorry bearing down on me!
What else have I been up to? Well, been taking advantage of the high dollar for a start. I've been buying a few beads - actually I have to do a little buying now, and then none for a good month or so. I've been using the old noggin and buying in America. Via the web, you understand, I could no more afford to go to America than fly, and my, but they do have some nice websites. Several that I went to specialised in vintage beads, and oh but you could spend a fortune on them! Some to die for vintage Japanese beads, and some enamel work that I think must be turn of the last but one century (i.e. the 19th!) that must be Eastern European. Way out of my price range of course, but one can dream..
As it is, the common or garden Czech druk is pretty nearly always my bead of choice. It's just a plain round glass bead, but the colours you can get in America are fabulous. How come you never see such glorious colours on the European websites is what I want to know.
Anyhow that is my controversy of the day. I'm in way too much of a good mood to have any other seriously dour bones to pick, despite the ghastliness of what goes on around us in the world. Let the world take care of itself for a day or two - so long as it doesn't explode on top of me before I get back to work is all that counts right now.