Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wow, pretty amazing how people have responded to this. Lots of my friends have checked it out, and so many people have said 'god that's so brave!' I don't see it as being brave, I see it as so much else - to me, this is a kind of letter to the future. I was telling a friend, it's a thing I've sent out in to cyberspace - it's this little drip, rippling outward in a vast lake of stuff. I don't expect many people to look at it, but I see blogging as this huge resource that future historians are going to get deeply in to. I mean so many opinions, so much stuff - and this is my input into all that. As a student of history - particularly medieval, so few women got to talk. Only the elite women made any kind of impact, we know so little about the lives of the average ordinary ones. And ok, it is definitely not like that today! But this is my bit of space, my contribution towards the record of ordinary everyday women.

So what did this ordinary everyday woman do today? Well first I had a day off. Wow, haven't had one of those in quite a while it seems. I have a quote to get together for a bunch of mobile phone charms that I may or may not make for a wedding in December, so I did a bunch of work on that. I had a phonecall last night from a friend who wanted a keycharm for a family birthday, so I went out to meet up for coffee and take a selection of charms for her to choose from - turned out she bought two so that was very positive! Then I went off to buy my mother's birthday present - has anyone ever managed to find buying presents for one's elderly parents easy??? I opted for a new nightdress. Good old M&S, bit back on track there, although I don't see my mother (in her 80's) getting in to the hot pink cutoff pyjama set! Still they are still doing stuff that is acceptable for the older generation. Then it was like one shop to another getting all the ordinary everyday stuff, and the gnawing sensation that my wage cheque is being eaten, nibbled at, swallowed whole.. it's a sinking pit in my stomach and I was only paid what, three days ago? Then home via Sainsbury's.. more of my pay cheque gone and I only went there to get supper!

Well that was my day off. I've got a few more of them coming up thank God, but I've worked like a dog over the past week. We have a new rota at work, and it's a bitch. Still I was going to London this weekend, and now I'm not, which is quite a relief. (You feel so guilty calling things off at the last moment..) So I can shoot over to see my mum - she's not too good these days, and I have vast guilt trips that I can't get to do more. Her main carer is my brother, and my sister lives next door to them, so she gets well looked after, but I don't do enough and it really gets to you, you know? Where do we find the time to do what we have to do? Life seems to go so much faster these days, it takes so much time to get places and do the things we have to do. And I have no children to care for, I have no one living here that has to be cared for. I'm one of those people that lots of other people call the selfish singles. Yet I have no time. I have absolutely no time.