Sunday, July 23, 2006

Getting started.

Ok, so I'm a middle aged woman and I have this strange urge to put stuff out there - anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm not really quiet, so I can't claim a sudden desire to change my life style or anything! It's not like I have anything vital to say at this stage because I've just set up this account, and I'm still seeing how stuff works. But I'm sure there will be stuff to come that's interesting - why not check back with me some time?!

Well now lets see. Exactly why should you bother to check back - ok, yep, told you I'm middle aged. Got incredibly fabulous long white hair, but frankly it's the best thing I've got going for me on the physical side.. you know, short, always been overweight, can't be bothered to alter what's clearly been genetically predisposed any longer! Oh and yeah, darlings, I smoke, and I don't give a toss. It's not like I have a house full of kids to worry about. No not a single one, so don't get your knickers in a twist.

I work in domestic violence and that's all I've got to say about that. I can just see a whole segment of people out there now putting two and two together and arriving at four hundred - no, I'm not a short fat fag smoking man hater. I'm - like everyone - a complex mixture of the environments I've lived in, grown up in, and the decisions I've made in my life. If there's anything that makes me different from you, it's what goes on in my head, and I will admit I think a little more deeply than some. Not as deeply as some, more than others. Yup, lots of people would call me average.

But.. lets see, what do I do. I paint, I write occasionally (not as often as I did), I make stuff like keychains, beady kinds of stuff. I have a family who live near-ish, including an elderly mother who is moving into her last times. I have a deep and abiding sense of history. (Yep, medieval at university).
And this is all I'm prepared to say at this time.