19th June 09
Now do I want to bore everyone to death with more accounts of my battles with boxes? Not really. But I'm sitting here in my dear little flat where I've been living for more years than I care to remember, looking at all of the spaces on the walls where the pictures where, and it's so sad!! So many memories associated with this place. Sniff. One thing I don't think that I'm going to forget in a hurry is how sore my back is from moving out!!
Anyway one of the worst things about this, is that I've packed the clock. I keep looking at where it was, the way that you do, you know it's not that you need to know the time, simply that you're used to knowing what the time is. And it's not there!
Apart from this, well, most of the packing is done. Martin and I had a devil of a time with the sacks of stuff going to the charity shop - I rang them to see if they could do a collection, and they tried, but apparently their van broke down, leaving me with 7 heavy sacks of stuff - we got a taxi and it was bad enough having to lug it downstairs! I've booked a collection from the council for the rubbish, but are they making any kind of special effort to pick it up? Are they heck. Nope they're coming on the regular day, but they are prepared to pick up to an extra 15 black bags, which is pretty good going I reckon. So I've got a bit more stuff in the bedroom, and of course the kitchen, but apart from that, I'm done. I must remember to call the hotel - yep, another night in a hotel, but I need to call them and remind them that I'm going to be arriving very late on Monday night. The plan is to have the van collect everything in the morning, do the cleaning, and then grab the bags, grab a taxi (bags girls, bags!) and catch the train to Glasgow. I should (fingers crossed) arrive by about 23.30. Then the next day I rush off, sign the lease, and be there to greet the van which should arrive sometime in the afternoon. I can't believe this is going to be my last couple of nights here. It's been a gas people!