Sunday 22nd June
Hello there!
I've a nice cup of ginger tea steaming gently beside me, and whilst I wait for it to steep, I thought I might blog... I've been watching the football - Spain have just beaten Italy in one of the more boring games of the tournament, ended up in penalty shoot out, but in personal terms I'm still devastated by the exit of Holland, who I thought played wonderfully well and I had real hopes of this time round. Alas for the curse of being picked as the Guardian's team of the tournament! Anyhow since Holland have bitten the dust I now have to pick a new favourite, but this becomes problematic as I've no real favourites left. We'll see.. perhaps in a day or so I might be able to bring myself to go for the Russians.
Right now we're experiencing another bout of bad weather - I know it's a La Nina year, with the currents going counter clockwise or some such, rather than an El Nino, but you'd think what with yesterday being midsummer day and the longest day of the year that we'd have a bit of continuous sunshine to say, yep it actually is summer! No such luck. However, in preparation for my summer holiday I've been attending to my sunhat, which was in need of a bit of care - it has a wire running through the brim to make it go in whichever way I push it to keep the sun off my face, and the wire needed replacing. To be honest, even as I was doing this, I thought why am I bothering, but then, don't do it and we'll have a month of continuous blazing sunshine, so best to get it done. We've been threatened with some kind of high wind storms or some such, so I think it'll be safe to say I'll be leaving the sunhat at home, but heck you never know.
At some time over the next week, the council's coming to attend to the trees in the park over the road. I love those old trees, they're really big and spreading - and probably do need attention if we're going to have high winds - but got to admit that I'm a bit concerned about what's going to happen. For the most part, the letter says, they're going to be pruning, but apparently a few of them are to go. Fingers crossed these are the trees at the back, and not the ones I look straight out to.
I've been working 4 - 9's for the past week or so, it's a bit of a funny shift. I get hungry when I come home, so I've been making myself lunch, and keeping a bit on one side to heat up and have when I get in - today's was burger & salad - ok, chips as well, but only a small potato's worth! Let me tell you, burger doesn't reheat well. Avoid it is my tip of the day. Overcooked, dry and pretty tasteless was my experience, and that's from home made burger. Tomorrow, I shall choose something else to have for dinner. Beans on toast maybe, haven't had beans on toast for ages. See, that's the funny thing about this weather. You find yourself wanting winter style food in June.