Tuesday 29th January 2008
Not too bad a day at all. Not so sure about the diet-wise bit! Still it was better than the average day I've been having over the past while, so it's got to be reasonable.
Now lets see, what did I eat? I woke quite early, six o clock, more or less on the dot without the alarm going off, which is always quite a pleasant experience! I got up and made coffee and toast - a small piece of wholemeal toast, with lots of seeds. Butter though, not so good. I'm finishing off a box of Lurpak, and there's not much more of it to go. I bought low fat Lurpak for the rest of the month, which is good. Coffee was the standard instant, and I drink it black without sugar.
I did take my box of fruit, and yep, I did have a few grapes and so on mid-morning. Which was very very good, as I've a large box of chocolate biscuits sitting right behind me! Our office is a swap food office, with people bringing in sweets and chocs - and fruit as well, pretty nigh on constantly. So I felt quite good resisiting. But I'm also one of those people who's not terribly big on 'announcing' diets. You only end up blowing it, and then you feel worse than if you'd kept your mouth shut. In fact, keeping one's mouth shut is the whole point of the thing isn't it?
Lunch was the aforementioned egg sandwich, but I crumbled and did have the crisps. Bad girl, slapped wrist - I did think to myself, get organised here, make lunch to take in, and then you won't be facing temptation at your weakest moment - when you're hungry. And yes, this afternoon, I crumbled on the choc biscuit front - two choc biscs, and (oh yes, horror...) a mars bar cake roll thingy. Well they were just sitting there! I know it's the first real day, I should be stronger...
Dinner was rice, with lots of veggies - onions, peppers, courgette, mushrooms, a bit of lean chicken and some chunks of sausage. Now I did fry this lot, but it's that wonderful frying method where you start off with a teaspoonful of oil (olive) and a good tablespoon of water. So you could say I stirfried it. I finished dinner off with a good slice of melon.
Tomorrow is a more difficult day. Difficult in the sense that I'm doing a 4 - 9 shift, and its always a huge temptation to dive into the burgerking on the way home. I find it far easier to avoid this temptation if I've something nice waiting at home for supper, so I think as I've more of the chicken left, it's a day to make a chicken curry before I go to work. It's supposed to be cold tomorrow, and I'm sure that chicken curry to heat up, with a bit of rice, will be just the thing. And since I'll be home, I shall probably have salad for lunch. I haven't really made up my mind yet, but I'll let you know tomorrow if it works out!!! - and of course, if I can stay away from those biscuits!