30th January 2008
Ooh the curry was good! I'm just home from work, and I've had a good dinner! Again, I started with a teaspoon of olive oil, and fried up some chopped onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, and a good piece of grated ginger. I added finely chopped courgette, and then the spice - I didn't have much time this morning, so I just went for a teaspoon of curry powder. Then I added the chopped chunks of chicken, and a good splosh of water. Popped the lid on, and let it simmer over a low heat for about 25 minutes - delish! However, I felt it didn't quite have that little extra that moves it from being a nice curry to a Nice Curry - so I chopped up some grapes, and sliced up some of the yellow plums I've got in the fruit bowl, and roughly chopped up a small handful of almonds. The plums really did the trick - they stayed sharp, and really lifted the taste. However when I do it again, I think I'll hang onto the grapes, until 2 or 3 minutes before serving - keep that fresh juiciness!
Now you'll note from all this that I forgot I had a good half box of mushrooms I could have used. I'll take advantage of this forgetfulness, by having a mushroom day tomorrow. Perhaps some mushrooms on toast, or a mushroom omelette for lunch, and when I get round to thinking about dinner, I'll fling a few mushrooms in there. I'll have to go shopping tomorrow, so I've no idea what I'm going to have for dinner yet. Perhaps a little fish I think, a bit of variety in the diet is always good for oneself! In fact, I quite like the idea of conjuring up a low fat kedgeree - if you've never had kedgeree, you haven't lived. They used to serve it up for breakfast in Edwardian mansions, with devilled kidneys, and the like. Its a rice dish, with smoked haddock, hard boiled eggs, peas and parsley. Its a wonderful smokey, fishy flavour, just gorgeous. On the other hand though, this week is developing something of a rice motif, that I think is not exactly what I had in mind. Perhaps tomorrow should be a green vegetable day. Every now and again, I like a green vegetable day - when you eat nothing but fresh green veg all day long. Still we'll see!