Sunday 24th June
Oh, a quick blog before bed! What could be better! I've had quite a busy day today - up reasonably early this morning, before putting some holes into some fimo beads I made last night. I put them in the fridge to firm them up overnight but I still don't make good holes yet. Anyhow after I got them in the oven, I did some washing - cleaning up, that kind of thing, before cooking lunch - no not with the beads! After that, I watched an absolutely dreadful Miss Marple film on the tv - Bette Davis must be turning in her grave that she consented to be in such a piece of guff. I way prefer the tv versions!
So this afternoon, I painted up some new pendants I'm making (I'll blog about my mixed media pendants in the future I think) and made some earrings with some fabulous Swarovski that I ordered to make some particular necklaces with. These are made with amazing porcelain pendant pieces that were sent to me by Joan Tucker of Off Centre Productions - check out the website, it's fab! (
Anyhow, Joan had sent me some pieces to make into necklaces, and I particularly wanted to use Swarovski with this because of the available colours and the quality of the crystal. Having some left over, I thought I'd use them for earrings for Xmas - yep folks it's that time of year when Xmas production is in full swing. So I've done quite well today - I've done four or so pairs of earrings, I have half finished the first of Joan's necklaces, and made a good start on the second, with a third sort of started, but I wasn't happy with the way that one's going, and will have to rethink it I think. I very much wanted to use copper for it, and for some unknown reason I changed my mind. So now I'm going back to my original thought, and I'm going to use the copper. These thoughts come in to your head for good reasons, and I feel I should have stuck with it.
On top of all this, I've been wrapping and packing a bit - I had a commission to get ready for posting tomorrow, and then two unexpected sales from the Ebay shop! Lovely. Always welcome!
So that's been my Sunday. And now I must get off to bed, get some sleep.