Friday, December 15, 2006

Catch up!!!!

Wow, been so busy that haven't had time to get on here and blog! Even today - slept off a night shift and then it's straight in to Sainsburies, where another bout of Xmas shopping awaits. It hasn't been so much the shopping that's kept me busy as for a combination of stuck waiting for the gas board - which is an entire blog all by itself, and packing stuff up and posting it off to people who've bought it on Ebay.
So - frankly it's too late at night to go into all this. Ness if you pick this up, the baby walker goes in the post tomorrow!!
And yipee! All my auctions are ended, and after tomorrow morning I go nowhere near the post office until the new year!!!
Alas, I shall be way too busy standing in queues in supermarkets....