Late Sunday night... not the greatest time in the world to be feeling down. Got some bad news this morning about a job that I'd applied for, and for no reason had felt would just be right for me - and although I've no reason to be feeling like this, it feels like it's been snatched away from me like that plum cherry you've just been fancying and reaching out for, and suddenly it's just not there anymore. Yet I've got no more reason to feel like this about this particular job than any other of the multitude I've applied for and haven't got.
Thing is, I suppose, the longer this goes on for, the more unemployable I feel I'm becoming, which is not a good thing. I've organised myself to go to the job agencies tomorrow, see if I can pick up something temporary, but I'm not particularly hopeful. I tell myself sternly that this is simply how I feel, I don't actually have a sign around my neck saying 'unemployable', but when you get into a cycle like this, it's hard not to feel it's there, and dragging you down. And I know myself too, it's at times like this that I get to feel so desperate that I'll take anything, something that I really can't do, and it all goes pear shaped, I'll end up exhausted, earning a pittance, and in some crappy place where I don't want to be.
And then when you add all this to the trail of unpleasant events that have been happening recently, well it's just one long tale of disaster! In fact, it's almost funny what's been going on for the past few weeks - and I suppose that's my saving grace, that at the moment, I can still laugh about all this. Ah well, enough moaning and groaning. Life goes on eh?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ah, the end of the World Cup. I shall miss it - until the premiership starts at any rate. Personally I'm going for Holland, much as I like Spain, I just think Holland's time has come. It's supposed to be summer here, but frankly over the past few days you'd have been hard put to tell it from mid-October - wind, rain.. not quite cold enough to demand heating, but you know that's merely weeks away.
I'm trying to think of something interesting to write about. I've been making up new bookmarks - the shop has been shut for quite a while now, but I was thinking I would open in up in later August, and do a sort of Autumn - Christmas stretch, and then see how it goes. Times have not been so good for your average on-line seller, and I'm hoping for a better Xmas than last year. Anyhow, I have had enough time recently to put a good few stints in with the pliers and cutters, so I shall have some new stock.
Went out to meet up with friends for coffee on Thursday afternoon - I've been to the library a few times over the past few days and I should drag myself over there again soon - plugging away at the old dissertation research.
All told, life plods on. I still have high hopes of a job that I applied for recently, although the waiting is interminable. Isn't that always the worst part of job apps?
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7/10/2010 09:57:00 pm