22nd April 2008
Hell this is fun. I've just typed quite a long blog entry, only for an error to develop, and the whole thing I've typed has just gone awol!!!
So now I have to re-type it and of course it'll be dullsville compared to the masterpiece I just lost - but what the heck. Sorry folks.
Firstly, I called the Ebay hotline this morning, and I've sorted out all the issues with them making me become a 'business' seller - I can keep my private seller status! Yipee! Call them is what I say, speak to them. Nil desperandum and all that.
Then the bulk of my masterpiece blog was taken up with books. Yep, I'm actually spending time going through my bookshelves and carting lots of them off up to the charity shop. I need the space. Well I don't know about you, but I go through the shelves, and then suddenly I find something I fancy re-reading and it goes in this increasingly large pile of 'to be re-reads', and the pile going to the shop shrinks... oh dear. Yep, oh dear. Actually what I'd really like to take to the charity shop is a large quantity of video tapes. I can't bear the thought of throwing them in the bin, the charity shops won't take them because they're not pre-recorded - no these are my own, rather dodgy recorded offerings. (By dodgy I mean recorded on a poorly tuned tv, not dodgy recordings!!) Some of them I wouldn't part with for the world, in fact I'm looking to replace them on DVD, but for the most part, I'm sorry to say, my video library is composed of crap. In fact, thinking about it, what was I thinking of when I recorded stuff like Brideshead Revisited? Frankly I didn't envisage a world with so many tv channels that anything I thought half way decent to watch would be being broadcast symetrically in rote 24 hours a day, 7 days etc...
Talking about re-reading I was just re-reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and part of this book is the theory that the world is being taken over by kipple (yep, it is kipple, what I'd call kibble I guess), useless junk that doesn't decompose, but piles up over the surface of the world, the planet just becoming more and more kippelised. That's my video library alright, kipple in waiting. In fact it's not really waiting, it's kipple already, occupying space... occupying a perfectly good bookcase that I could really use. Funny how books don't turn into kipple isn't it?!